07/06/2023 / By Ethan Huff
The Reparations Task Force in California is calling on the state legislature to end all child support debt for California residents – but only the black ones.
According to the group, the laws of the United States as they currently exist have hindered the growth of black people while tearing apart their families. Consequently, all deadbeat black dads throughout California who owe child support should be relinquished of all responsibility to financially support their children and the mothers of those children.
An 1,100-page report from the Reparations Task Force in California reveals that most of the state’s deadbeat dads are black. This fact, the group’s members claim, serves as evidence that the nation’s laws are “discriminatory” and “have torn African American families apart.”
The group further complained about “the disproportionate amount [sic] of African Americans who are burdened with child support debt” – debt that they themselves incurred because of their own bad behavior. To the Reparations Task Force, though, black people are never responsible for their own bad behavior, and are only and always “victims” of a “discriminatory” system.
(Related: Did you know that legislators in California are trying to criminalize parents who reject their children’s transgender delusions by dubbing anything other than full and unquestioning acceptance of LGBT mental illness as “child abuse.”)
California currently charges a 10 percent interest rate on back child support, which the Reparations Task Force says is hampering the ability of black residents to find employment, maintain a home, and further their education because they are unable to pay back their debts.
The so-called Black Power Network was present at a recent news conference about the issue to support the proposition being made.
According to the Reparations Task Force, citing a 2003 study from the California Department of Child Support Services, about 27 percent of owed child support in the state is unpaid interest. Most of those who owe child support, the task force added, have lower incomes than “the typical California worker,” and that the 10 percent interest charges require a larger portion of their income “to actually pay the debt.”
One recommendation made by the Reparations Task Force is to terminate all interest accrued on back child support.
“At a minimum, the proposal recommends that the Legislature eliminate the prospective accrual of interest on child support debt for low-income parents,” a report from the group states.
“The Task Force further recommends that the Legislature amend Family Code section 17560, the ‘offers in compromise’ provision, to allow for offers in compromise and forgiveness of child support debt based solely on a parent’s financial (sic) circumstances and ability to pay.”
The Reparations Task Force report from which these quotes were extracted took two years to compile. It claims to cover what it describes as “historical discrimination” that black Californians and their ancestors allegedly faced while living in the state.
The report also accuses the state of California of doing wrong to descendants of black slaves, which is why it must now clear away all back child support debt – but only for those with black skin.
It is now the state legislature’s job to decide whether or not to take action on the recommendations. Will it dare to offer monetary compensation strictly to people with black skin and risk the hordes of lawsuits that are sure to follow? Or will it tell the Reparations Task Force to hit the road with its illegal, racist proposals?
The latest news about the white-hating leftist takeover of America can be found at Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under:
biased, black, California, child support, deadbeat dads, fathers, insanity, Marxism, race relations, race wars, reparations, Reparations Task Force
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