News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
$80 Billion NBOA – “National Bleed-Out Act” will make sure the IRS can collect your unpaid taxes or medical bills at gunpoint
Wave goodbye to liberty. Now it’s not just DHS that’s armed to the teeth, but FDA, EPA, USDA, CDC, CPS, and… wait for it… the I…R…S. Meanwhile, as the Democrats print trillions of dollars that go completely unaccounted for, Biden wants YOUR guns, and badly, right now. The rogue US government is stockpiling weapons for […]
By S.D. Wells
The vaccine agenda was designed to bring down the economy
Start doing everything the corrupt government tells you to do and you will be broke, sick and starving in no time flat. In America, fear is big business, and within just two years, the propaganda machine of virus mania hand-walked 270 million Americans right to the poison well – submission by vaccination. Like David Copperfield […]
By S.D. Wells
LOBOTOMIZING CHILDREN: Another pharma shill paid big bucks to push experimental “anti-psychotics” drugs on children as young as two years old
Unapproved FDA anti-psychotics prescription drugs have been prescribed for two-year-olds who supposedly have bipolar disorder. On the record with Johnson and Johnson internal documents that have been uprooted, a certain doctor, who happens to be the chief of pediatric psychopharmacology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital, appears to have pushed these unapproved drugs through speaking engagement […]
By S.D. Wells
ELEPHANT in the ROOM: Five billion dollars paid out for vaccine-induced injuries in two decades, but nobody ever casts proper blame in mainstream media
Are you or a loved one suffering from “ABV” – Anything Besides Vaccines disease? Mainstream media, most doctors, and most nurses across the US are suffering from ABV disease, where no matter what, they can never blame vaccines for any health damage, disease, disorder or even death. Some are just brainwashed. Others fear for their […]
By S.D. Wells
CIA-run Wikipedia used as the “truth engine” to train the censorship AI that will rule the Meta-verse
Prepare for the lies of Wikipedia, also known as “Woke-a-pedia,” to become the so-called “truth” of the virtual world. The kings of misinformation claim they are in desperate need of regulating and banning misinformation across the entire internet – the very problem Wikipedia helped create. Wikipedia is calling themselves the “default first stop” for internet […]
By S.D. Wells
Twenty five U.S. corporations pledge to FUND ABORTIONS for their employees, but won’t give money to employee moms who decide to HAVE their babies
Real life demons are out in full force in America, enraged because they won’t be able to legally murder as many human babies as they have been for decades. In the heart of America’s insane LGBTQ-vial-leftist metropolitan city of Seattle, the naked demons came out to parade for the children they groom each day for […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 ways Biden Regime is decimating America and the populace
There is no longer “safety in numbers,” especially when it comes to about 200 million Americans taking the advice and guidance of the US government and regulatory agencies. Anyone who takes the advice of the FDA and CDC is venturing down a rabbit hole of dangerous, experimental medications and pesticide-laden, processed GMO food, all of […]
By S.D. Wells
FDA now BANNING JUUL e-cigarettes, while R.J. Reynolds Tobacco still sells their own versions of the same, because the FDA and AMA have always supported CAMEL CIGARETTES
In order to protect the market share and profits of Reynolds American tobacco-flavored e-cigs, the FDA has ordered JUUL e-cigarettes off the US market. Reynolds is the rival of Juul, and after JUUL catapulted to the top of the electronic cigarette market, the FDA was having none of it. Though R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was […]
By S.D. Wells
MORE GREEN ENERGY FAILURES: Obama’s regime pretended to invest in green energy, just like Biden now, and the companies magically went bankrupt
What most people don’t know, who believe in global warming and the Democrat’s plan to turn America 100 percent “green” over the next decade or so, is that it’s not really a plan at all, but a Ponzi scheme to embezzle trillions of dollars and collapse the Republic. This is not conspiracy theory, or hypothesis, […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: NBC thrives on deception and reputation destruction using dirty covert internet tactics to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse
Mainstream media outlets are seasoned professionals at accusing other organizations of the very corruption in which they are engaged themselves. Here is the epitome of this “pressing story” where NBC claims their adversaries are doing exactly what they do regularly, where they manipulate and control online discourse using extreme tactics for destroying the reputation of […]
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