News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
STAGED PANIC: Pelosi and Schumer staged phone calls to bring in the military to save them on Jan. 6th, all while Pelosi’s relatives had set up camera crews IN ADVANCE of events
Besides Capital Police and the FBI leading Trump supporters and undercover FBI dressed as Trump supporters into the Capital building on Jan 6, 2020, there’s much more to the supposed insurgence and staged “insurrection” that previously known. It may have ALL been staged, as we witness complete and utter fake panic from the Democrats holding […]
By S.D. Wells
FEDS PAID NOTHING for Covid vaccine injuries or deaths in 2021, paid $250 million for injuries from other vaccines
In a more-than-obvious attempt to cover up all Covid vaccine carnage, while pushing over 270 million Americans to get jabbed for the Wuhan “gain of function” virus jabs, the US government succeeded in paying out less than one penny, exactly nothing, during the entire year of 2021, for all the damage and deaths caused by […]
By S.D. Wells
The POWER of the RIGHT question: The best questions about elections, vaccines, prescription medications, and food ingredients yield the best answers
How ironic that the Democrats running the country right now are persecuting anyone and everyone who questions the validity of the 2020 election, when they spent 4 long years questioning the 2016 election, using every tool in the box, including attempted impeachment, and of course, the daily news-splattered Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Now, the Democrats in […]
By S.D. Wells
How to permanently correct the broken voting system: Put serial numbers and watermarks on all voting ballots, just like we do with currency
Anyone in their “right” mind knows that sleepy Joe did not get 80 million legitimate votes for POTUS in 2020, as tens of millions of mail-in ballots magically appeared after the polls closed. Video cameras captured thousands of “mules” loading and reloading ballots (for Biden) into machines and drop boxes, and most likely ballots that […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 FAKE FOOD BUSTS of 2022
There is far too much food fraud to expose every company and corporation responsible, because just like going fishing, you can’t catch them all — but you can get some. So, here are 5 of the most interesting cases of counterfeit foods and knock-offs that got busted for fraud already this year. These fraudsters and […]
By S.D. Wells
GOT SCIATICA? Huge uptick in sciatica cases since Covid-19 vaccine campaign began
Sciatica is best described as mild to severe shooting pains that run down the back and into one or both legs. This is generally caused by inflammation of the largest nerve in the human body known as the sciatic nerve, that runs along each side of the lumbar spine (lower back), through the buttocks, past […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Breast Cancer Awareness “Month” was concocted as joint venture between Imperial Chemical Industries and American Cancer Society to push mammograms and chemotherapy
Pinkwashing is a form of marketing by supposed “anti-cancer” organizations who use pink ribbons and logos everywhere to raise funds that usually pay exorbitant salaries of those running the “show.” The saddest part is that most of the corporate-run ‘foundations’ promote cancer treatments and screenings that actually cause cancer and spread cancer, so what good […]
By S.D. Wells
BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled “domestic terrorism” and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China
Are you a political dissident? In China, if you criticize the government on social media, you can find yourself locked up in prison and involuntarily donating your organs for black market trading. In America, if you go anywhere near the Capital building in Washington DC to peacefully protest illegal ballot harvesting and the communist Biden […]
By S.D. Wells
For the medical industrial complex, transgenderism is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY – and here’s proof
Independent journalist Matt Walsh has completely exposed the real reason transgender surgery centers are popping up all over the nation, including at the medical centers of major universities. Turning boys into “girls” and girls into “boys” is a huge money making machine, and the whole twisted gender movement pretends to be offended by anyone who […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: Top medical fraud and illegal health care schemes of 2022
It would be wonderful if Big Pharma actually produced effective medications and vaccinations that did not bring with them a laundry list of horrific side effects and long term health detriment, but that never seems to be the case. It would also be absolutely amazing if the medical industrial complex, including companies, doctors and laboratory […]
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