News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Bill Gates suddenly abandons climate doom narrative as populations push back against globalism
Bill Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent the last decade warning audiences that the world is overpopulated and subject to impending climate doom. In order to save the planet, Bill Gates says we must achieve “zero net carbon emissions by the year 2050.” Meanwhile, Gates continues to traverse the world in […]
By Lance D Johnson
FOOD SUPPLY ATTACK: U.S. government raided and shutdown Golden Valley Farms, an independent meat producer in Virginia
Samuel Fisher, owner of Golden Valley Farms, is being persecuted by the U.S. government all because his family raises their own animals, slaughters the meat on the farm, and sells that meat to the community. Mr. Fisher is a mild-mannered, father of five who owns and operates a 100-acre cattle farm in the heartland of […]
By Lance D Johnson
After using COVID-19 victims to promote medical tyranny, the mainstream media callously disregards the vaccine injured
The Society of Actuaries Research Institute published a report in May warning about a “stunning” 34 percent increase in young people dying (ages 35-44). The report concluded that “COVID-19 claims do not fully explain the increase” and that something much more catastrophic is destroying people’s lives. This trend of excess mortality began in the third […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA approved 24 drugs in 2022 based on a SINGLE study
Over the past three decades, the scientific method has systemically deteriorated, spurred by federal agencies that were meant to protect the public and uphold scientific standards but have instead sold out. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 37 drugs and medical products in 2022 based on scant anecdotal evidence. Shockingly, 24 of the […]
By Lance D Johnson
NO REMORSE: Pfizer says NO Australians were forced to take their vaccines, dismisses all harms caused by their experiments and mandates
Two Pfizer executives were recently brought before the Australian senate and interrogated. They were questioned for their role in pushing harmful medical experiments, unethical vaccine mandates, and policies of coercion and segregation that destroyed people’s lives and livelihoods. During the Australian senate inquiry into the covid-19 vaccine mandates, Pfizer Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, […]
By Lance D Johnson
PURE EVIL: Notorious vaccine company covered up SIDS clusters by strategically distributing suspect vaccine lots around the country
Back in 1979, a vaccine company named Wyeth Laboratories was challenged by the Tennessee Department of Health over a vaccine lot that was suspected in multiple cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). At the time, Wyeth knew (in their internal communications) that their DTP vaccine was causing SIDS, but instead of pulling their product […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci’s replacement, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, also loves lockdowns, medical fraud, mask mandates and forced vaccinations
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is about to get a new director, a new face to promote “The Science.” Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch supporter of the covid-19 medical police state and censorship regime, replaces Dr. Anthony Fauci at the helm of the NIAID. Despite the face change, nothing will really […]
By Lance D Johnson
The global depopulation agenda is more organized and well-funded than ever before in world history
Back in 1974, the U.S. government and other multinational interests grew concerned about worldwide population growth and how it implicates U.S. security and overseas interests. The declassified Kissinger Report unveils high-level, diabolical plans for population control and uncovers the government’s sinister intent for depopulation efforts in the U.S. and abroad. This grisly gambit of controlling […]
By Lance D Johnson
Up to 44% of randomized controlled trials produce fake or flawed data, masquerading as reliable information in medical journals
The randomized controlled trail (RCT) is regarded as the gold standard of medical research and is deemed a trustworthy vessel to present new scientific findings or to verify existing narratives that are published in medical journals. However, this so-called gold standard of medical research is often used to defraud the public and the medical profession, negatively […]
By Lance D Johnson
White House admits to funding Wuhan Institute of Virology, just now cutting funds to the infamous bioweapon’s lab
After spending years of funding, offshoring, coordinating, and delegating coronavirus gain-of-function research in China, the U.S. government has finally taken steps to curb their involvement in these unethical and inhumane experiments. On July 17, White House officials reached out to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to suspend taxpayer funding of coronavirus gain-of-function research at […]
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