News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Jeffrey Epstein enabler Ghislaine Maxwell said to have access to STASH of videos depicting sex crimes against minors: Will she be “suicided” in jail?
It seems fairly obvious that, given all of the shady circumstances surrounding the death of prolific pervert and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein while in federal custody, he didn’t really ‘commit suicide.’ The thinking is, Epstein had to be ‘taken care of’ because he had so much information on rich, powerful men who allegedly engaged in similar […]
By JD Heyes
Lawyers for Roger Stone to seek emergency appeal of his surrender date to avoid having him sent to prison where COVID-19 is rapidly spreading
Attorneys for Roger Stone said Tuesday they are planning to file an emergency motion with a federal court to extend the date he is supposed to surrender to federal penal authorities because some inmates are infected with COVID-19. In a message to Natural News, Stone’s lawyers expressed concern that because of their client’s age and […]
By JD Heyes
DoJ drops case against Michael Flynn; now will FBI agents who entrapped him be charged?
It’s been almost three long years, but finally there is some justice for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. On Thursday, the Department of Justice dropped all charges against Flynn, a retired three-star Army general and the first ‘legal casualty’ of the Spygate coup attempt against President Donald Trump, after it became apparent that he […]
By JD Heyes
Big government fail: Publicly traded companies snagged $1 billion in coronavirus relief funds meant for small businesses
If you ever needed another example of why it’s foolish to rely on big government to ‘solve our problems,’ this should do the trick. As most readers know, in late March Congress passed a “coronavirus stimulus package” worth some $2.2 trillion, and part of that money was supposed to be spent keeping small businesses afloat […]
By JD Heyes
Entertainment elite prove again they hate America with fundraising concert for ChiCom-sympathizing WHO after Trump cuts funding over coronavirus lies
The Left-wing, tone-deaf, out-of-touch liberals in the entertainment industry so hate President Donald Trump and the Republican Party he represents, they instinctively provide aid and comfort to our potential enemies and the international organizations that favor them. They proved it once again in recent days by holding a major fundraising event for the World Health […]
By JD Heyes
Massive fraud alert: Coronavirus “recovery” bill gives Fed control over $450 billion in SECRET — who’s going to get this money?
In their rush to “do something” to help Americans harmed economically by the coronavirus pandemic, which led most state governors and mayors to issue ‘stay-at-home’ orders and to shutter businesses deemed “non-essential,” Congress has once again passed a gigantic spending bill that is long on spending money we don’t have but short on oversight. As […]
By JD Heyes
This is the SWAMP: Four senators sold millions in stocks ahead of Wall Street’s coronavirus crash after being briefed about what was coming
President Trump swept into office three years ago on a pledge to, among other things, “drain the swamp.” It was a bipartisan promise, of course, because it had to be. Washington, D.C., is a Democrat-run city, but the Donkey Party is far from alone when it comes to corruption. Over the years, Republicans have had […]
By JD Heyes
If the CDC hadn’t focused for years on “gun control” and “social justice,” it would have been better prepared for coronavirus PANDEMIC
The major problem with continually growing the size of the federal government is that eventually, it becomes so large it begins to do things it was never intended to do. At the same time, the various agencies tasked with certain functions begin to operate outside of their mandates and/or purposes at the time of creation. […]
By JD Heyes
Enough already: It’s time to arrest Sen. Charles Schumer for making an illegal threat against the Supreme Court
Earlier this week, in yet another attempt to prove what abortion zealot he is, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer attended a pro-death rally on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court building and, in the eyes of many, blatantly broke the law. Specifically, Schumer directed a threat at two of the high courts justices, Neil […]
By JD Heyes
World Bank “pandemic bonds” may explain why the WHO has yet to declare the coronavirus a “pandemic” … even as it spreads to over 60 countries
Even as the first American dies of the Wuhan coronavirus and the first U.S. state declares an emergency to prepare for what a much wider outbreak, the U.S. government has yet to declare a “pandemic,” but there could be significant financial reasons for that. As reported by MintPress News, there’s “a little-known specialized bond” that was […]
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