News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Fed-up Devin Nunes demands ALL “smoking gun” evidence against classified email abuser and accused “Russian collusion” hoaxer Hillary Clinton
As chairman of the House Intelligence Committee during the first two years of President Donald Trump’s administration, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) doggedly pursued evidence that his 2016 campaign was targeted by members of the Obama regime. In addition, Nunes — who has top secret clearance as the now-ranking member of the committee that Democrats now […]
By JD Heyes
Obama knew! Bombshell new evidence implicates former president in “Russian collusion” hoax to depose duly elected Trump
Never has a case of such obvious sedition been ignored by so many people who ought to be concerned about it: Ranking federal law enforcement officials; the media; and members of Congress. But because it happened to President Donald Trump, the traditional order of society and the application of our laws don’t apply, apparently. For […]
By JD Heyes
Family of Michael Flynn blasts Obama-Biden administration for “massive corruption” following FBI text message revelations
Without question, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served a truncated term as President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser thanks to the treachery and, some say outright sedition, of the Obama-Biden administration, has become the most wrongly persecuted government official in the history of our republic. The family of Flynn is blasting the […]
By JD Heyes
So-called “Transition Integrity Project” is the latest deep state coup attempt to depose (and jail) President Trump
As Americans brace for yet another round of violence leftist have already threatened to unleash if President Donald Trump and the GOP-led Senate attempt to name a successor to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, another back-room coup plot is already unfolding. There is a lot about Trump’s presidency that is unprecedented, beginning, […]
By JD Heyes
FBI agent who found Hillary’s emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop says he was threatened with prosecution and told to cover it up
We’ve heard for years that Bill and Hillary Clinton ‘have something’ on members of the deep state — people in the military-industrial complex, in the garbage Washington press corp, inside the federal bureaucracies and in law enforcement — because they always seem to get away with what appear to be blatant violations of the law. […]
By JD Heyes
VP Biden helped son Hunter become fabulously wealthy by shaking down international governments and corporations
The bombshell report produced by two Senate committees and released last week that the ‘mainstream media’ continues to ignore continues to produce explosive details that should alarm anyone even thinking about voting for Joe Biden. Earlier reports noted that the document produced by the Republican-led Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance […]
By JD Heyes
BOMBSHELL: FBI knew sub-source for Steele dosser was a Russian operative, but they lied to FISA court anyway
Four years after the Obama-led deep state launched a ‘denial’ operation to keep then-GOP nominee Donald Trump out of the White House — which suggests early on they had internal polling showing he had a really good chance of beating Hillary Clinton — we are still learning the sordid, disgusting details behind what is unquestionably […]
By JD Heyes
Biden corruption would make it easy for foreign enemies like China to blackmail and extort President Joe
Not that the vast majority of Americans (who still get their news from the propagandists and liars in the ‘mainstream media’) are aware, but two Senate committees dropped a report on Wednesday that, were it not involving the current Democratic presidential nominee and his family, would have led the news cycle for weeks. To recap, […]
By JD Heyes
Bombshell Senate report implicates Hunter Biden in shady dealings with foreign actors and firms as Obama admin looked the other way
A long-awaited report by two GOP-led Senate committees lays waste to the Democrat impeachment narrative of last year that Trump administration assertions that Joe and Hunter Biden may be dirty was just a ‘Russian misinformation campaign.’ The year-long probe by the Senate Homeland and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee contains explosive allegations […]
By JD Heyes
Shocking Senate report says Bidens bought $100k worth of “extravagant items” with credit cards linked to China
Reports in the past claiming that Joe and Hunter Biden are ‘beholden’ to China were, predictably, blown off as political propaganda by Democrats, but a new bombshell Senate report the party’s lapdogs in the ‘mainstream media’ are ignoring sheds additional light on these previous allegations. The shocking new report, which was produced by the Senate […]
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