News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Joe Biden is making it seem like neither he nor his son are owned by Beijing’s ChiComs with head-fake “investment ban” on Chinese firms
Tens of millions of Americans who saw plenty of evidence before the 2020 election know that ‘China Joe’ Biden and son Hunter Biden are coopted and co-owned by China. Hunter got into business deals with Chinese firms, none of which are allowed to do business without the approval of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in […]
By JD Heyes
BUSTED: High-level Chinese defector has DIRT on US officials, including Joe and Hunter Biden
When then-President Donald Trump first suggested early in the COVID-19 pandemic that the Wuhan coronavirus ‘may’ have originated in a lab in that city, it immediately made sense. First and foremost, Trump has seldom been proven wrong about the things he says, despite the fact that his usual detractors in the hate-stream media and the hater […]
By JD Heyes
The Left called Trump a fascist but Biden actually is one: MAGA protesters being treated worse than prisoners in third-world dictatorships
For the duration of his four-year term, President Donald Trump’s Marxist critics called him a tyrant, a bigot, a racist and a fascist, though he was none of those things. Trump is the first Republican president in a generation to expand his party’s voting base into black and Hispanic communities; bigots and racists don’t normally […]
By JD Heyes
Who are the “unindicted co-conspirators” in Jan. 6 protest cases? All signs point to deep state undercover operatives and assets of FBI, intel community
Even a moderately trained observer noticed something odd during the Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol Building: Many people captured on video were geared up. They were wearing helmets. They were in protective clothing. Some appeared to be wearing body armor. They had special gloves and tools to break glass and smash doors. In short, […]
By JD Heyes
Bush family nonprofit in bed with China: Group linked to Beijing-linked propaganda outlet
America is not a monarchy and in fact, the United States was born out of rebellion to a monarch’s rule. As such, America should not suffer the burden of, or entertain, political dynasties, and yet, we have had them throughout our history. The Rockefellers. The Roosevelts. The Kennedys. The Clintons. The Bushes. And each one of […]
By JD Heyes
CEO of COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna worked with Big Pharma billionaire pal of China’s Xi while promoting lab where virus escaped
The longer the COVID-19 pandemic lasts, the more we learn about its diabolical origins and the key players involved in ensuring that it was not only financed and developed but released on the world by a Chinese Communist regime hell-bent on global domination. As the walls close in on ‘lead American immunologist’ Dr. Anthony Fauci […]
By JD Heyes
The Biden regime has officially become a terrorist organization, throws in with BLM that terrorizes America and targets White people with race-based hatred and violence
Americans concerned about the Democratic left’s encroaching Marxism throughout our society will be alarmed to discover that the encroachment has already, officially, reached the height of our government: The Biden regime. As reported exclusively by Human Events magazine, a leaked State Department memo declares that the Stalinist Black Lives Matter movement has been officially endorsed […]
By JD Heyes
BOOM: Former FBI Director Freeh donated $100k to trust for Joe Biden’s grandkids and discussed ‘lucrative future work’ with Hunter as bag man
Donald Trump won in 2016 in large part because he promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. He “lost” in 2020 because the swamp he tried to drain stole his reelection — he was that much of a threat to the status quo. Here’s another example of just what Trump was up against and […]
By JD Heyes
It’s past time to recognize that we have grossly overcounted the number of COVID deaths for political purposes
As the COVID-19 pandemic reached U.S. shores and began to spread across the country, it became very obvious to seasoned political observers that deep state powers that be who operate in the shadows and were vehemently opposed to Donald Trump becoming president, saw an opportunity to get rid of him. They began viewing the pandemic as a […]
By JD Heyes
Derek Chauvin was going to go away for the rest of his life one way or another: DOJ had secret plan to arrest him if he walked
While it is clear that George Floyd ‘died at the hands of police’ in May 2020, what is far less clear to Americans with closed minds is how Floyd came to be in contact with police that fateful day in the first place. The man wasn’t exactly an angel. He’d been in trouble with the […]
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