News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Lawyers for five men charged with conspiring to “kidnap” Michigan governor want charges dropped because FBI set them up
Whatever the FBI started out to be, it has turned into little more than an entrapment agency used by its top officials to justify more power and bigger budgets so they can further terrorize American citizens with whom they disagree politically. The most recent case in point is the alleged “kidnapping” plot against Democratic Gov. Gretchen […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats continue to lie about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack that was set up by deep state; Schiff alters texts to ensnare Trump allies
Donald Trump was so good at being president and his policies so spot-on in terms of legitimately making America great again, that the globalist deep state, which has to keep things at “status quo” in order to continue maintaining the military-industrial complex, had to fabricate one scandal after another in order to keep Trump tripped […]
By JD Heyes
Steve Bannon rips into Mitch McConnell, says he set Democrats up to shelve “Build Back Better” so they can shift to federalizing elections
Former top Trump political adviser Steve Bannon said on his Thursday “War Room” podcast that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is to blame for the Democrats’ shifting away from Joe Biden’s massively expensive and misnamed “Build Back Better” legislation so they can focus instead on rendering moot all state voter integrity laws so they […]
By JD Heyes
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer getting money from Vladimir Putin after accusing Donald Trump of being Russian stooge
A good rule of thumb in the political world is to always assume that Democrats are guilty of doing whatever it is they accuse Republicans of doing – like claiming that former President Donald Trump is a Russian stooge. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, like the rest of his party, spent years […]
By JD Heyes
DOJ letter: Democrat whistleblower in Arizona said fellow Dems added 35,000 votes to all party candidates during 2020 election
A letter written last year to the Justice Department by a Democratic whistleblower in Arizona claims that fellow Democrats in Pima County added as many as 35,000 votes to the party’s candidates during the 2020 election, and of course, nothing was done about it. “This information came out Monday, during an ‘ad hoc’ hearing in […]
By JD Heyes
Climate hoax specialist Michael Mann says the only way to stop deadly tornadoes is by passing Biden’s multitrillion dollar ‘”BBB” legislation
Most climate change hoax artists rely on false or misleading data to ‘prove’ that cattle methane, SUVs and other aspects of our modern lives are causing our planet to convulse with violent weather events, but one of them — Michael Mann — is now taking a different approach. In an appearance this week on cable news’ […]
By JD Heyes
Billionaire anarchist George Soros’ org has been caught funding “dark money” group that pushes for defunding police
The only reason a known anarchist would escape justice in the United States is if he is very wealthy and has a small army of politicians and other powerful people on the hook. That helps explain why billionaire George Soros has been actively funding efforts to undermine the social fabric of America for decades and […]
By JD Heyes
BOMBSHELL: Montana’s GOP governor pushing for more residents to get vaccinated; has invested nearly $800k in vaccine maker Pfizer
If we ever want to have some semblance of honor and integrity restored to our governing institutions, the first thing we must do as Americans is begin to expect more of both from our elected political leaders. Because until we do that, our politicians will continue to be corrupt. Montana’s GOP governor, Greg Gianforte, is the […]
By JD Heyes
CNN’s Chris Cuomo in hot water after NY AG investigation found he was more involved in brother Andrew Cuomo’s sex harassment cases than he admitted
Once again, thanks to CNN host Chris Cuomo, we learn that the ‘divide’ between left-wing Democratic politics and the ‘mainstream’ media is about as wide as two pieces of thread laying side by side. In recent months, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, brother of the CNN personality, was forced to resign following revelations by […]
By JD Heyes
Major media outlets once again ignore blockbuster corruption involving Hunter Biden, Chinese firm that purchased massive cobalt mining company ahead of electric vehicle push
If you really want to know why Joe Biden is pushing so hard to transition Americans away from fossil fuel vehicles to electric cars and trucks, the answer is it has far less to do with ‘the environment’ than greed. People can argue the pros and cons of EVs and should — there are definitely […]
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