News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Smoking gun evidence surfaces linking Joe Biden to Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business deals: Will his DOJ indict?
Rational, thinking Americans have for years suspected Joe Biden is as corrupt as his son, Hunter Biden, and brother, James Biden, but now smoking gun evidence has emerged that pretty much proves the point. According to an exclusive report by the UK’s Daily Mail, Joe Biden has millions of dollars unaccounted for according to discrepancies […]
By JD Heyes
Conservative donor and election fraud activist Dr. Steve Hotze indicted on bogus political payback allegations in Texas
The Democratic Party machine across the country continues working overtime to bury its 2020 election theft operation to deny Donald Trump a second term and install the most feeble, incapable puppet they could find — Joe Biden — in the White House. The most recent developments are playing out in Harris County, Texas — home […]
By JD Heyes
Is Zelensky corrupt? He amassed an $850 million personal fortune in the years before the war with Russia
The West has decided that the narrative for the war in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion is “Kyiv Good, Moscow Bad,” regardless of what the real situation is and why President Vladimir Putin launched an attack in the first place. Putin has said he wants to rid his western neighbor of Nazis, and we know that […]
By JD Heyes
Author sounds alarm, says ALL Americans should be concerned about Hunter Biden’s nefarious business deals
It is obvious to sane, rational, thinking Americans by now that Hunter Biden is not a moral man, and if we had an honest media, many more Americans would realize that. To that point, Peter Schweizer, author of the book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” recently told The Epoch Times that there […]
By JD Heyes
Mainstream media first covered up shocking corruption revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop, now “uninterested” in it
Responses from ‘mainstream media’ figures attending a “disinformation” symposium last week sponsored by the University of Chicago tell us everything we need to know about how complicit they were in covering up damning revelations of Biden family corruption found on a laptop belonging to first son Hunter Biden in the weeks before the 2020 election. […]
By JD Heyes
Chicago’s left-wing judges keep letting murder suspects out on electronic monitoring – and people are dying
Left-wing counter-revolutionary politicians continue claiming that letting even dangerous suspects out of jail with electronic monitors is safe and ‘humane,’ but in fact, it is neither, as evidenced by the idiocy taking place in the crumbling city of Chicago. In recent months, Democrats who run the state enacted a pair of laws regarding electronic monitoring […]
By JD Heyes
Joe Biden failed to report millions in income on government transparency reports: Where did the money come from?
If our governing systems were still functional, the makeup of Congress would be a lot different. Lawmakers and officials who work on the taxpayer’s dime would be far less corrupt and far more responsive to we the people. Take the Justice Department, for instance: It is a lie every time the attorney general says the […]
By JD Heyes
Group claims major U.S. investment firm BlackRock sided with China against America
A nonprofit organization called Consumers’ Research has released a new ad campaign aimed at BlackRock called “Betting on China” in which the group says the U.S. investment giant is siding with America’s biggest global rival and national security threat. The 30-second ad says that the investment firm is putting billions of dollars into Beijing and […]
By JD Heyes
Did the Pentagon play a role in spying on Trump campaign? Newly uncovered emails suggest DoD involved
Newly uncovered emails suggest that along with the deep state media and intelligence apparatus, the Defense Department likely also played a role in “Spygate” — the collective operation to subvert the 2016 campaign of the most feared presidential contender in a century: Donald Trump. “After spending weeks dismissing concerns about its work with Russia hoax-connected researchers, […]
By JD Heyes
Is Biden padding his family’s pockets? President authorizes ANOTHER $1.3 billion in U.S. taxpayer ‘aid’ to Ukraine
The United States’ proxy war against Russia is continuing unabated, as our government leaders once again engage in a conflict none of them voted on or were authorized to enter by the American people. But this time, naked financial ambition is part of what’s driving our involvement. Joe Biden, who was installed as president by […]
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