News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
FBI goes completely rogue: Report finds bureau illegally spied on millions of Americans
During Barack Obama’s regime, Glenn Greenwald and a few other investigative journalists associated with him revealed through whistleblower Edward Snowden a complex, widespread — and shocking — National Security Agency operation to literally electronically spy on virtually every American who had an electronic device. The program involved very sophisticated software tools that were classified at […]
By JD Heyes
Uvalde Police chief Arredondo gave money to campaign of anti-gun Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke who now promises to confiscate AR-15s
The outrages following the mass murders of 19 school children and two adults in Uvalde, Texas last week continue to emerge as we learn more about the tragedy, including a little detail about the city’s police chief. Uvalde Schools Police Chief Peter Arredondo donated a total of $17 to Act Blue and $5 of it […]
By JD Heyes
DC jury stacied with Democrat supporters finds Hillary Clinton lawyer “not guilty” of lying to FBI
If you needed another example of how our perfect form of government no longer functions as designed because too many Americans are too politicized and corrupt, look no further than the nation’s capital. Despite the fact that special counsel John Durham’s team found a smoking gun text message indicating beyond any reasonable doubt that Michael Sussman, […]
By JD Heyes
Analysis: Hillary Clinton and everyone who perpetuated the Trump-Russia collusion hoax should stand trial, but not in D.C.
Two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton should be arrested and made to stand trial for perpetuating the ‘Russian collusion’ hoax along with everyone else involved in the plot, according to an analysis published this week. A post at Armstrong Economics notes that because the hoax against then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump involved the use of government […]
By JD Heyes
Wall Street Journal publishes scathing hit piece on Hillary Clinton over her Trump-Russia collusion lie
Some of the same media outlets who fell for the lie that Donald Trump was a dupe of Russian President Vladimir Putin when the former ran for president in 2016 and that the two of them “colluded” to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton are now shocked — shocked, mind you — to discover they were […]
By JD Heyes
More proof that corrupt special counsel Robert Mueller was working to protect Hillary Clinton
When special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to ‘investigate’ so-called “collusion” between then-President Donald Trump and Russia — a link that was fabricated by the campaign of Hillary Clinton — his probe was sold to the American people as a ‘must-do’ kind of thing because ‘we need transparency in the […]
By JD Heyes
Former top campaign aide to Hillary Clinton admits she approved leak of hoax ‘Trump-Russia’ claim to media
For years it has been rumored that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was behind the so-called “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax, and on Friday, a former Clinton campaign official confirmed at least one element of that. During testimony in the trial of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann — who has been accused of lying to the […]
By JD Heyes
Hunter Biden became a multimillionaire over the course of just five years, new analysis finds
If any of Donald Trump’s children behaved like Joe Biden’s depraved son, Hunter Biden, did, the so-called “mainstream media” would have a field day with them. As it turns out though, Trump’s sons are decent, respectable, responsible men who are accomplished in their own right, so they would never behave like Hunter Biden in the […]
By JD Heyes
Audit reveals HALF of Joe Biden’s Twitter followers really are fake, to go along with his fake presidency and counterfeit votes in 2020
Nothing spells the end of the American empire like the era of Joe Biden. Whereas Donald Trump was well on his way toward bringing our country back from the abyss, Biden’s handlers have not just reversed course but they have hit the gas pedal and now we’re circling the drain faster than ever before, though, […]
By JD Heyes
Was Buffalo a false flag attack to foment more racial division? FBI has history of pressuring targeted scapegoats to write “manifestos”
As we have regularly reported, the FBI is no longer a legitimate law enforcement agency and instead is nothing more than a regime enforcer for the left-wing deep state. The proof is everywhere: — The bureau entrapped then-incoming Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn because he was not just an opponent of Barack Obama’s foreign […]
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