News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
The hierarchy of deep state escalation that will end in the attempted assassination of President Trump and engineered terrorism across America
The deep state is at war with America. The CIA is running an attempted coup, and all the CIA’s puppet “journalists” (actually nothing more than CIA-run media hacks) are all-in. The Democrats are betting everything that they can remove Trump from office and somehow avoid a popular uprising that would likely see millions of armed […]
By Mike Adams
Treasonous Ilhan Omar calls for UN occupation of the United States of America
Over the last two years, we’ve been warning our readers about the globalist plot for the United Nations to invade and occupy the United States of America. News analysts like Dave Hodges from have strongly warned that a plan is under way to use UN troops to invade the USA. Now, the plan has […]
By Mike Adams
It’s now obvious: We are living under a lawless deep state dictatorship where treasonous criminals like James Comey will never be prosecuted
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) released a damning report this morning, revealing that former FBI director James Comey violated the law when he illegally leaked classified information to the media as a ploy to jump start the Robert Mueller witch hunt against Trump. You can read the report at this link: The […]
By Mike Adams
ANALYSIS BUFFET: 25 urgent things you need to know about spygate, Epstein, China, financial collapse, mass shootings and civil war
You’ve just been seated at the analysis buffet. Grab a fork and dig in… Things you need to know about the coming indictment and arrest of deep state traitors who ran the spygate conspiracy: In truly bombshell news, the CEO of has gone public, stating that he has all the answers about the Russia […]
By Mike Adams
What Chernobyl and the vaccine industry have in common: The mass poisoning of humanity by complicit, dishonest government
The Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986 bathed much of Europe in toxic, deadly radioactive isotopes. Yet the Soviet government covered it up, at first claiming no accident had taken place at all. Even after the government was fully informed of the horrifying scope of the disaster, they covered it up and ultimately condemned potentially millions […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Parkland school shooting was set up to maximize fatalities; County Deputy who stood down has been arrested and charged with child neglect
If you needed any further proof that the recent Broward County (Parkland) school shooting was engineered to maximize fatalities and drive the child-spearheaded gun control narrative in America, look no further than the bombshell revelation unveiled today. Former Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson has just been arrested and charged with 11 counts of child neglect […]
By Mike Adams
Don’t be too quick to believe the FBI’s smear attacks on Martin Luther King… haven’t we already learned the FBI fabricates everything?
Over the last several days, conservative media outlets have been leaping on a report that claims FBI agents told each other that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had 40 extra-marital affairs and even stood by and laughed while his friend raped a woman. In hearing these allegations, we must all remember that the FBI has […]
By Mike Adams
Deep state desperation: A false flag is their last remaining option to save themselves from being exposed and destroyed
Just four days ago, President Trump ordered the declassification of “bucket five” documents which will show how Obama’s FBI and DOJ actively conspired to commit treason against the Trump administration through illegal spying, FISA court fraud, planting spies and more. This is the beginning of the end for the treasonous, criminal deep state under which […]
By Mike Adams
VIDEO: Why Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act to save America from lawless “enemies within” who threaten our constitutional republic
Greg Reese has posted a hard-hitting video that explains why Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act to defend America from the lawless, anti-American traitors who are dedicated to destroying America from within. As I wrote in a popular article on Natural News: According to sources cited by The Daily Caller, President Trump is poised to […]
By Mike Adams
Now that we know the FBI is corrupt and treasonous, it’s time to revisit the “official narrative” of 9/11 in search of the real truth
Now that the American people are fully aware the FBI is a corrupt, treasonous criminal cabal, it’s important to revisit the events of 9/11: The FBI confiscated hundreds of security camera videos from the areas surrounding the Pentagon to hide the fact that the building was never struck by a commercial airliner (as was universally […]
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